God's Word will prevail despite strong resistances. Jesus says: "The Kingdom of God isn't ushered in with visible signs ... For the Kingdom of God is among you." (1) The book of Daniel predicts that, in the days when kingdoms become great and powerful and supplant each other, God will set up his kingdom. (2)
Where we see signals of this new kingdom, we tell others about it. And where we see that God's opponent uses men for his purposes, we point out this offence. Both possibilities often have surprising analogies in the history of salvation. We want to disclose these connections, for example in letters which we publish at this website.
We stand by the Christian profession of faith, but we reject the development of Christian doctrines which are in conflict with Jesus' message and his intention. We have experienced that, also now, God is near each individual human being and personally accompanies him or her. God's guiding help can be experienced especially when one is open for God's signals. These signals are often inconspicuous. They can only be recognized and correctly interpreted with an alert, sober mind.
We do not intend to advertise meditation techniques. Our target is to encourage people to lead an active dialogue with God. He takes us seriously, and therefore it is only just also to ask about His expectations towards us. We have experienced surprising gifts, and we have learnt that one cannot expect to feel God's being near whenever one wants. He answered questions, and He taught us to wait patiently. He fulfilled requests that we addressed to Him, and He also expected our trust in Him when we did not understand His ways. He did not put us off till later, and we were consoled by Jesus' words "Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows; but take courage, I have overcome the world." (3) And He encourages us: "I am with you always..." (4)
(1) Luke 17,20-21 (2) Daniel 2,44 (3) John 16,33 (4) Matthew 28,20
30th May 2006